Preschool Ponderings

Journey with me as we face the adventures and challenges of teaching a preschool program to 3-5 year-olds!

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Sing a Song

I sing a lot when I'm at work, among other places. Last week, I decided to go across the hall to Heather's room until my kids showed up. I entertained the kids by singing various songs. They were very enthusiastic, clapping after every song and hanging on my every word!

On Monday, while I was singing in Heather's classroom, the teacher next door poked her head in to see who was singing. She liked it and told me that I had to come over there and teach some songs to her kids! So now I go to both classrooms and serenade them as they are eating their breakfast. I call it my morning concert.

I also started making up songs for my kids. For example, I'll sing about someone wearing blue jeans and then they have to guess who it is. They really enjoy hearing songs about them, and will beg me to sing them again and again! Hooray for singing!

Monday, November 27, 2006


Since November is Native American History month, we have been doing several activities related to this, including making tee pees, dreamcatches, canoes, paper dolls and paper vests. The kids have really enjoyed the activities related to the topic!

Today I decided to bring in our copy of Pocahontas. I was trying to explain what it was about, as I was introducing the movie. I also played the soundtrack, which they liked. They had a bit of trouble pronouncing the name, though. I heard it called "Pokeyhontas", "Cocoahontas" and "Pokerhontas". Oh well, they did get pretty close!

Friday, November 17, 2006

Lunchtime Entertainment

I like to play music in my classroom almost constantly. I play anything and everything, from classical to country, from children's music to movie soundtracks! The kids are used to my frequent singing and dancing that I like to do. In fact, sometimes they will request that I play certain songs just so we can all sing and dance!

One of my most frequent selections is the soundtrack to High School Musical. During lunchtime on Tuesday, another teacher came into my classroom to borrow something, and was commenting on how much her kids like the soundtrack. She also said that one girl in particular knew all of the dance moves to the particular song we were listening to.

A few minutes later, she returned with said student. I turned on that song, and at first she didn't want to dance with us looking at her. After we made a big show of not looking at her, she started to dance. It was so cute, she knew all the moves perfectly! My students and I certainly enjoyed watching her, it made for some great lunchtime entertainment!

Monday, November 06, 2006

Project Pictures!

Stained Glass

Pumpkin Patch


Saturday, November 04, 2006

Together at Last!

After ten years of being friends, my best friend Heather & I can now say that we are co-workers! I knew that they were looking for more teachers, so I encouraged Heather to apply. When she was called in for an interview, I was really excited. Then she called me on Monday to tell me that she had been hired!

She now teaches the 18-24 month-old group! Their classroom is right across the hall from mine. In fact, our kids frequently will stand in our respective windows and wave at each other! It is so great to have my best friend with me everyday! We don't really get to talk to each other, but it is neat to know that she is there.

We like to compare notes and share stories from the front lines. We worked on lesson plans together and spend a lot of time discussing our kids and how to work with them. It's so wonderful to have a friend to discuss things like that with, and even more special that it is Heather!