Preschool Ponderings

Journey with me as we face the adventures and challenges of teaching a preschool program to 3-5 year-olds!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


No, I'm not trying to talk like a pirate, but I am very frustrated from today. One particular little boy decided not to listen to anything I said today. He was purposely doing the opposite of whatever I asked him to do. If I asked him to not throw something, he did. If I asked him to clean up, he kept playing.

At one point I'd had enough and was escorting him to the time out chair. He would not sit down. Usually he'll whine about it, but he'll almost always sit. After umpteen times of bringing him back to the chair, I was ready to scream! He also kicked me and punched me in the mouth. (Luckily he doesn't hit that hard.) Finally, a teacher stopped by to give me a bathroom break, I asked her to send someone from up front to my room.

Luckily the person I wanted to come, did. She tried the same things I did, but maybe having another person say it was the ticket. Or the fact that there were now two of us telling him to sit in the chair. He did eventually sit.

After that incident, he was a little better, but not much. However, when I sent him to time out again, he did sit in the chair. He really wants to be a "good boy" as he puts it, but he has absolutely no impulse control. Oh well, we'll just call it an off day for him. I'm sure tomorrow will be better!


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